Gapp Services

Georgia Pediatric Program

We specialize in providing comprehensive care for medically fragile infants through 21 years old. Our services cater to the unique needs of these children, ensuring their health and well-being.

In addition, we offer an opportunity for parents to become paid caregivers for their children through the Georgia Pediatric Program (GAPP). This Medicaid program is designed to support families by providing skilled and unskilled services for children aged 5-21. The only requirement is that the child must be covered by Medicaid.

The Georgia Pediatric Program (GAPP) covers a range of services tailored to meet the individual medical needs of each child. These services include personal care/hygiene, mobility assistance, wound care, catheter care, visiting nurses, insulin injections, medication administration, wheelchair assistance, respiratory treatment, G-tube care, and more.

There is no out-of-pocket cost to families enrolled in GAPP, and services are approved based on the child's medical requirements. Families eligible for Medicaid can apply for GAPP at any time, ensuring access to the necessary support and care for their child.